Practices and Traditions in Mexico


In Mexico, the warmth of its people is the most memorable feature for visitors from all over the world. Walking along its streets, eating in restaurants, visiting the historical buildings and even enjoying the nightlife, are reference points of the kind nature that the people from this country in the Americas shows. 
Cordiality, simplicity, sympathy and kindness of the more than 100 million Mexicans are traits of the traditions acquired from their personal nucleus: the family; the most important moral institution in Mexico, teaching values and traditions among its members. Due to the great influence it has on the Mexican society, the individuals’ behavior will be determined by everything learned through the family. 
Due to the endless natural beauty and the diversity of climates within Mexico, visitors will enjoy different landscapes throughout the year. Large metropolis, ecological preserves, Magic Towns, colonial cities, archeological sites and beautiful beaches, make up the diversity of landscapes we can enjoy. 
Likewise, everyday life develops depending on the region being visited. While in smaller cities such as Merida, Patzcuaro and Ensenada, time allows a ton of activities on the same day, in Mexico City, Monterrey or Guadalajara, you will probably be able to do just one activity. The hustle and bustle of the big city and the peacefulness of the small town will always be a great contrast. 
In northern states, such as Chihuahua, Nuevo Leon, Sonora, Zacatecas, Tamaulipas and Coahuila, the winter season hits with full force, thus creating beautiful cold landscapes that sometimes  turn in a white sheet of snow. However, during the summer season, this region also has the country’s hottest temperatures. Regardless of the date of your visit, including warm, comfortable and versatile clothing will make your stay more pleasant. 
The southern region offers exotic and tropical vegetation accompanied by a warm climate, which is generally constant throughout the year. During the rainy season, the planet’s most beautiful flora comes alive, always impressing visitors. A good example is Chiapas, Tabasco, Campeche and even Quintana Roo. For any of these destinations, carrying insect repellents, comfortable clothing and shoes, a change of clothes and sunscreen will make your trip easier. 
The Mexican Pacific region shows us the immensity of the waters that cover the Mexican territory. Its predominantly humid and sunny weather throughout the year make Oaxaca, Jalisco, Guerrero, Nayarit and Colima the ideal destination for sea lovers. Wearing cool clothing, sunscreen, tanning lotion and a cap or hat are good choices in order to avoid the consequences of excessive exposition to the sun.
The rest of the country, made up by the central region, offers very balanced and varied climates, depending on the season. Guanajuato, Distrito Federal, Michoacán, Queretaro, Morelos, State of Mexico, Puebla, Hidalgo, San Luis Potosi and Tlaxcala, combine their temperatures throughout the year with reaching extreme climates.

Yaxchilan, Mayan Domain

Known for its numerous architectonic structures and inscriptions, Yaxchilan is located on the banks of the river Usumacinta in the municipality of Ocosingo, Chiapas.  Just 136 kilometers from Palenque, this ancient city ruled over smaller complexes such as Bonampak, and was allied for a long time to settlements at Piedras Negras and Tikal. Although the site is extensive, you will only be able to access a small number of buildings such as the Great Acropolis, the Small Acropolis and the Great Plaza, which, if you don't get lost along the way, gives you access to the site's maze. 
This ancient jungle city records its dynastic history in the lintels of several buildings.  Your task as a visitor to Yaxchilan is to spot them, following the fascinating past of this lost city as you walk.  Rising over the plaza, for example, is an image of Pajaro Jaguar IV (Jaguar Bird the Fourth), Yaxchilan's most famous ancient ruler. 
An impressive staircase joins the plaza with the Great Acropolis, the city's most magnificent edifice. On the staircase you'll encounter a litter of hieroglyphs depicting scenes of Pajaro Jaguar IV playing a ball game. In the lintels, you'll find a beheaded sculpture of the same leader. Legend has it that when the head of Pajaro Jaguar IV returns to its rightful place, the world will be devastated by  celestial jaguars. 
This sacred city that had its apogee during the classical period, at the end of 600 BC documents an important battle against Palenque around 654 AD.